
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I Crashed the Element!!!!

I wish I had gotten a last picture of our car before it got towed away but it's true, I totaled the Honda Element yesterday. I am so glad that I am still alive. I was on I-215 southbound on the east bench just past 45th south when my car hydroplaned. (Monday morning it was wet and snowing really bad!) I spun 6 or 7 times then my car flipped on the drivers side and skidded to a stop on the left hand side of the rode. I knew I was close to the free way wall so I was preparing my self to be completely crushed! Luckily the car stopped before hitting the wall. It took a while to finally climb out of the passenger side door but once I did I was so happy to be alive. 4-5 people were there just to help pull me out of my car. At the time I could tell that my knee hurt and I had a headache but nothing else seemed to be wrong. Boy was I wrong!, I woke up this morning unable to hardly move my neck. I now have shooting pains down my neck to both of my shoulder blades. After being on multiple anti-inflammatories and pain relievers I am still in a lot of pain. I will be going to the Dr. tomorrow to see if anything is wrong with me. But again I am just so happy I am alive and that I didn't hit anyone else. I am so grateful for my Heavenly Father. I know that he was watching over me!
This is what my beautiful car used to look like before the crash. Now it is a mangled pile of medal and rubber. Oh I am really going to miss it!!!


Katie Webb said...

Oh my goodness Steph! I'm so glad you're okay! I can't believe that! Thank heavens you're still in one piece. I'll keep you in my prayers! Love You!

Heidi said...

WOW! I'm WAY Glad you are ok! That's a freaky story! I hope your neck and back are ok too.

Unknown said...

oh stephanie...yo ujust brought so many not so good memories...i did this in Idaho five years ago with my baby in the back seat...Only I landed on the roof...oh man...I hope emotionally you are doing okay. I was freaking out and didn't want to drive forever!!! I am soooo glad you are okay...tell your mom hi. I miss her she is a great woman!!! (Shannon Whitehead)

Campbell-Littlefield-Paul Family! said...

Oh my goodness steph! I am so grateful you are ok and will keep you in our prayers tonight. I hope you didn't do anything terrible, normally when you get into an accident you tighten your muscles and that is why you are so sore. I hope that is all it is. Hang in there! Lyn

Ben, Ashley, and Nate said...

Steph! I'm glad you're okay! Sometimes I almost wish that would happen to my car (minus the fear for my life) with all it's wonderful needs. But alas, no accidents. Hey, we would love to get together with you two some time! I would love to meet your husband and see who is so amazing to be able to marry Steph. We should get together some time!