
Friday, November 7, 2008

History in the Making

I don't want to be controversial at all. I don't want to be choosing any side, Republican or Democrat, when I say this; I am just so happy that our country has come so far as to elect a black President. This has nothing to do with how I have voted myself. I actually had a very hard time when it came down to deciding because I felt there were things that worried me about both candidates. I would have been a little nervous whoever won the election. But politics aside, I am so proud to be an American right now. Think of how far we have come in the past couple hundred years. I really do believe that America's forefathers were lead by God to build this country, so that all may live and worship as they want. And all citizens, black, white, or any other race, have the same equal rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit happiness.

God bless America!

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