
Sunday, October 5, 2008

General Conference

Yesterday, Oct 4th and Today, Oct 5th, was the 178th General Conference for The Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints. (which is the church that I belong to). I had the wonderful opportunity to go to the afternoon session of General Conference on Saturday along with Jake, my uncle Mark, and my cousin Allison. It was my first time ever attending. I had such a good time. I loved all that I heard and it was so nice to actually go to the Conference Center and be there. Downtown Salt Lake was so beautiful, even though it was a little rainy and chilly the flowers where out in full bloom at Temple Square.

A Primary Choir was there. They were so cute!

My cousin Allison and I sat next to each other. She was really happy to be there too, she even took notes.

On our way to the Conference Center. Jake and I stopped to get this picture in front of the Salt Lake Temple. We were married there almost exactly 2 and a half years ago. My how the time flies!

Here are the Gardens in front of the Lion House and the Beehive House Downtown. They are so beautiful right now!


Luke, Marie & Brody said...

General Conference was so great!! I missed a lot of it last time so it was refreshing to listen to all of it! Last night was fun! And I will be calling very very soon to make an appt!!! I'm so excited! Just thought I'd let you know!

The Tenney's said...

i was at the same session! crazy! we took our young women down. (that is one of the good things about only having 3 YW!) that primary choir was amazing, they had me in tears!