
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Splash Mountain

I know that I all ready posted my California trip pictures below but I forgot this amazing Splash Mountain picture that I got. I also don't have many pictures of my cute nephews on our trip so I'm hoping to get more from my mom.

Disneyland and More!!

This past weekend Jake and I had the wonderful opportunity to go to California with my family, including, Mark, Mom, Jayme, Scooter, Bennett, and Carter. It was so much fun! It was the best birthday ever for Jake and I. (my birthday was the 28th and Jake's was the 29 th) First we went to Disneyland for two days, then we headed to Sea World, and we finished the trip off at the San Diego Beach. We weren't even there a week, but it was a much needed vacation.
My favorite part was that Disneyland was decorated for Halloween!

There was a huge Mickey pumpkin head in the middle of Main Street

Even the gate was decorated

Believe it of not, we did not plan to all wear pink! Great minds think alike!

Jake and I ate at the Carnation Cafe on Main Street for our birthday dinner together. We loved it.

Our favorite ride was the Haunted Mansion. It was not only decorated for Halloween but Christmas too. It showed us what happens when Halloween takes over Christmas.It was just like the movie, "The Nightmare Before Christmas". The entire ride was completely different than usual. Did I mention it was my favorite ride!

Jake and I waiting in line.
While waiting in line we ran into this scare crow that looks a lot like Skeleton Jack. (I think he is hiding inside)

I took pictures while I was on the ride which is prohibited, boy do I live on the edge!

Jack Skelington dressed as "Sandy Claws"

The Christmas decorations tried to eat us!


Here we are in the Arctic Wild. They have pretty cool animals, like a completely white whale.

The shark is going to eat me!!

After seeing Shamu and his friends we went to San Diego beach.
We got to the beach late but Jake and I still went on a romantic walk on the beach. The ocean is behind us but it is so dark you can't see it.
The water was freezing but Jake and I ended up getting in up to our waist.

I found this lovely boa on the beach. I can't believe someone just abandoned it there! (If you can't tell, it's seaweed)

That next morning I went running with my mom along the beach on the boardwalk. It was so much easier to run 4 miles in San Diego I could have probably done 4 more! This is Mom and I in front of the Surfer Hotel that we stayed at in San Diego. It was so nice to be right on the beach and have our own private beach entrance.

On our way to the airport we passed the beautiful San Diego temple! I would love to go in it someday. I wonder what most people think when they drive by it!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Birthday Fun

Last night I went out with my friends for a night on the town. Katie's birthday was on the 15th and mine is coming up on the 28th so we decided to celebrate!
We went to dinner at Buco De Beppos. Afterwards we went and roasted marshmallow and made s'mores. I had such a good time with my friends. ( I wish I had more pictures, sorry)

Katie, me, Christine, Amber, and Katie's baby Morgan

I know this picture is ridiculous but I couldn't resist. I've never seen a fountain of a peeing child in a restaurant before. haha

Monday, September 15, 2008

Life in Paradise!

Jake and I have had a crazy weekend! Even though I was under the weather with an exhausting cold, we had a family reunion/birthday party for Carter's 1 yr birthday and for my uncle Brien who is visiting. We all gathered in Paradise, Ut. My aunt Linda lives there along with her husband Luke and his son Gadge. She lives right on a small farm and it is so cute with chickens, horses, dogs, and cats along with a vegtable garden. We had a great time and the weather was perfect.
Before that Jake and I spent the day at Bear Lake to be on the boat one last time. That, on the other hand, was freezing!

I love these pics even though my face is swollen and red cause I'm sick. I just Love Jake, he is so handsome!!

My uncle Brien is in town from Florida so we were able to have all my Grandma's kids together. It was really fun to see them laughing and joking with each other. Here is the picture I got of them, sorry for some closed eyes. I don't think they were waiting for my camera.

Top row: Mark and Brien Bottom row: Shari, Christy (mom), and Linda

I tried to get a good picture of Carter shoving his cupcake into his mouth but he ate so fast this is all I got. He is so stinking cute!

Jake and I got him an early Halloween present. It is a Dracula Baby pacifier and widow's peak head band. It was so funny when he put it on!

I think the pacifier looks so funny/scary. We all couldn't stop laughing and he was oblivious to what was going on. The red eyes really seal the deal!

Before going to Paradise we spent the day at Bear Lake and man was it cold!! Dan and Jake trying to keep warm.

Dan was trying to show off by actually getting in the ice cold water and wake boarding.

Dan actually did a really good job and got lots of air!

When it was Abbey's turn she didn't hesitate. She jumped right in even though it was ice cold! Once she got in she was laughing so much it was hard to get her boots on.

She was so determined to switch her feet over on her board. You can see it in her face!

She finally did it after a couple tries! We were so proud of our little Abbey!!

Jake was getting over a cold and I was

sick so we stayed in the boat. To pass the time we modeled Dan's hat, in addition to some other shenanigans.

I think we look pretty hot considered we were sick!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Rock Climbing

This afternoon I went climbing for the first time in about 7yrs! I went with my mom and some of her fellow employees at the middle school she works at. Every Friday the teachers along with administrators go and do something fun. So this Friday they all went climbing in Draper at Red Rock. It was really fun. I'm not as good as I used to be,but I still made to the top a couple of times, and I'm really proud of myself.
Here are some pictures. Sorry they are really bad quality, all I had was my phone to take pictures with.

That's me stuck in a hard place, but I made it. Earlier today I went running and I am still wearing my running shorts so Please ignore the big white legs. Yuck!

This is Jessica one of the Teachers at Eastmont Middle School. She is amazing at rock climbing. I hear she even has a climbing gym in her garage!

Here is another teacher, Natalie. The guys behind her are Jessica's friends and if you look at the top of the picture that is me.

Natalie starting to climb and there I am almost to the top. It was so fun!

Rock climbing is a blast! Mom even tried it and she did a great job.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Bear Lake or Bust!

For Labor Day Weekend Jake and I went back to Bear Lake to celebrate with the fam! We brushed up on our wake boarding skills, or lack there of, read, played games, and goofed around. I have to say that it was a very successful trip until the snow came on Monday,but we managed to still make it fun.

Welcome to hickville!
Wake boarding is so fun, I hope some day Jake and I will be able to do it a lot more often.
Abbey is getting better every time we go.....

......or so we thought, haha! J/K I love you Abbey!

Angela is still the Queen of the board.......

......and the Queen of amazing wipe outs!

Daniel was actually on a Wake Skate. It has no boots and I have no idea how he stays up!

Jake's little brother Nick did a really good job. I was so impressed! I think he is getting better then me!

Abbey is just so sweet!I was laughing so hard when I took this picture of Jake and his brothers, They are so funny!

This is what is was like when we left (if you can't tell that is snow). It was really sad not to be able to go out in the boat the last day, but at least I finished my book and we all had a fun time together in the cabin. I can't wait to go back!